Core Business Foundations

Are you:

  • Struggling to stand out in the crowd and be seen as the ‘go to’ person in your field?

  • Not generating as many leads and/or clients as you’d like?

  • Unsure how to create value and desire when speaking with your ideal client?

  • Unsure how to justify your fee and validate your offerings when having a sales conversation with a prospective client?

Perhaps you’re a newly certified coach and at the beginning stages of building your coaching/consulting practice, and don’t know where to start?

Maybe you’re bringing years of corporate experience into your coaching/consulting business, but don’t know the best way to showcase your diverse expertise into a succinct and compelling message?

Or, perhaps you’ve been in business for a while, but you’re not generating the visibility you’d like, nor are you signing up as many clients as you would like. In fact, ‘The world’s best kept secret” – perfectly describes you.

Either way, you’re asking yourself: “How can I stand out and showcase my expertise to my dream client, when I’m in a crowded marketplace?”

Welcome! You are in the right place…

Your Pathway to a Profitable and Scalable Business 

Business Foundation 1: Your Lucrative Niche

Identify Your Lucrative Niche for Rapid Business Growth

To build a successful business while build your reputation as an influential voice in your field, you must identify a niche.

By getting clear on your niche, you will:

  • Have a highly targeted message the speaks directly to the needs of your ideal client in order to maximise awareness of you and your services.
  • Rapidly build your database/list of potential customers through sending out a powerful and influential marketing message that is relevant to your ideal clients needs;
  • Turn prospective customers into paying customers far more easily because you have a highly targeted, relevant, and irresistible message, which your ideal client love and want more of.

Business Foundation 2: Your Signature Brand

Identify Your Authentic Signature Brand that Attracts Attention, Opportunities, and High-paying Clients

Want to capture the spirit, personality, and passion of you and what you do so you can explain it in a way your ideal client can’t help but want to find out more?

You can by discovering your Signature Brand Archetypes, to:

  • Unlock your powerful, authentic personality and Inner Brilliance to create an instantly recognisable presence that attracts clients and opportunities;
  • Create the heart and soul of your brand so you become irresistible to your ideal clients so they feel compelled to invest in you and your services;
  • Identify the specific words to use in your marketing to attract and influence the people you want to work with, while dispel people who aren’t your ideal client.

PLUS, these additional modules to help you create a unique, uncopyable, and unforgettable message:

Your Thought Leader Message Components:

  • Your Umbrella Statement
  • Your Invisible Thread

Your Thought Leader Positioning Components:

  • Your Core Topics & Core Themes
  • Your 7 Core Principles
  • Your Signature Sayings and Slogans


Business Foundation 3: Your Signature System

Rise Quickly to Specialist Status with Your Unique, Proven, and Profitable System that Ideal clients will LOVE! 

Create your own powerful and value-added Signature System to finally be able to charge what you are worth for the expertise you offer.


  • Capture what you do in to a Signature System that your ideal clients will love, want to know more about and invest in;
  • Boost your credibility as an authority in your industry because of your uniquely tailored and branded Signature System, which showcases the outcomes your client achieve when working with you;
  • Learn what you should be working on first in order to generate income for your business.

Business Foundation 4: Your Signature Programs

Package your expertise into a range of profitable and scalable programs your clients will love and want to invest in.

Identify the most profitable and streamlined way to package and delivery your expertise. Clients have doubled (and even tripled their income within months after creating their value-packaged programs, and you can too.


  • Create a streamlined set of offers so you know exactly what you’ll say (and offer) during a sales conversation;
  • Solve the #1 complaint of most business owners: overwhelm. No longer be confused about too many choices and lack of clarity around what you want to offer;
  • Learn what you should be working on first – in terms of your Signature Program in order to begin generating income for your business.

Business Foundation 5: Your Digital Asset

Your Irresistible Signature Giveaway for rapid list building and hot leads

“The money is in the list,” is a saying I’m sure you’ve heard before. Building leads by growing your list starts with your Irresistible Signature Giveaway by compelling your ideal client to learn more from you and the insights and results you offer. This must-do strategy will help you start attracting and building your list of ideal clients.


  • Build credibility as the ‘go-to’ authority in your niche as you showcase your expertise;
  • Continue to grow your list of prospective clients by compelling them to access your free offer so they can learn more from you;
  • Nurture your prospective clients with a compelling email sequence building ‘know, like, and trust’ to increase desire and likelihood of them saying ‘Yes,’ when your share more about your programs and offerings.

Core Business Foundations 90-Day Immersive Program includes:

Access to all of the Core Business Foundations Module Training Videos, Workbooks, and Templates to guide you in establishing your own foundations, step-by-step

Lifetime access to Core Business Training Modules, which includes updated and/or new content as it becomes available

Access to Live Weekly Q&A Mastermind/Coaching Group Sessions for spotlight coaching and feedback as you need 

Access to Private Community (Facebook Group) for additional support from other Change Makers as you build your Core Business Foundations 

What our clients are saying…

The Core Business Foundations Program gives you the confidence to know what you need to focus on and what level of ‘hustle’ you need to do.

 Previously in my business I was hustling 80% of my working hours. Marketing, putting out content. Everything else was 20%. Today, after going through the Core Business Foundations Program I am hustling 10% of the time and I’m spending 90% creating value and serving clients.   

I’m getting more bulk projects – not one or two short term projects but six-month programs along with higher level clients, projects and opportunities. So, no longer am I feeling depleted and exhausted trying to get clients. 

I created 52 digital assets (thought leadership content pieces). I use them again and again and again. I don’t need to reinvent it – it’s just there. My Program Pathway which I created – I flashed the Program Pathway up (on one of my livestreams) and you wouldn’t believe it – I go so many calls saying: “Oh, what are you doing?”  

The whole program, the technologies – you made everything very generously available. It’s beautifully laid out. A lot of care has been taken not only in sequencing but in loading the program. 

It starts with an inquiry – an assessment and audit of what you are doing right now and by the time we come to the core of the program, you’ve really peeked in terms of intensity of discovery and growth. 

Knowing my Signature Brand Archetypes – I cannot tell you how many times I go back and look at that because not only does it give you the vocabulary, I see now that I prefer certain words and they are now part of my brand.  

The words I now use resonate with my ideal client – words just fit and knowing that I have been given that amazing tool. Whenever I write copy, I just look at my archetype and I can see the top 10 nouns I need to use. Copywriting has become effortless and consistent. And, my introduction now flows.  

The Core Business Foundations Program should be part of Entrepreneur Tool Kits or MBA colleges because it is a complete training. 


Kashmira Mody | Transformation Coach, Learning Essence

I needed clarity around my Signature Program and Offerings. The information Annemarie shared was clear, interesting, and inspiring and I’m excited about having more clarity on how to build a Signature Program that’ll make an impact in my clients’ lives, while enable me to grow my business.

Another one of my ‘aha’s’ was when I took the Branding with Archetypes assessment and discovered I was an Alchemist, Ruler, and Hero. Because I now have a greater understanding and clarity around WHO I am (through the lens of the Archetypes) will enable me to use this across all of my branding and communitions.

The content Annemarie shares is valuable and inspiring and will hep you get more visibility, showcase your expertise, while get your message out in a much more powerful way. I found Annemarie to be an inspirational teacher, who really wants people to succeed! Thank you so much Annemarie for all you have shared.

Anne Berit Olsvik | Business Success Coach, Personal Branding Expert and Insights Discovery Practictioner

Having worked with business coaches and marketing experts in the past, I would highly recommend working with Annemarie Cross.

These last 12 months has been a pivotal turning point in putting strategy behind my business, understanding and working within my own strengths and weaknesses and understanding the importance of having a vision and both short- and long-term goals.

Annemarie’s commitment to her clients is second to none, providing informational webinars and regular Q&A sessions.

She goes above and behind and has a wealth of information from many years of experience, which she is more than willing to share.

Carolyn Moes | Spending Planner, Co-host: Succeed with Money Podcast

Thanks so much for your guidance during the ‘Core Business Foundations’ Challenge.  I joined the Challenge to get some clarity around my core business’s message and begin developing a strategy to market it.  Annemarie was a fabulous teacher and mentor throughout the process, offering lots of personal support and feedback along the way. 

I loved learning more about how my own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses can be reflected in my brand, and discovering the most powerful words to sprinkle throughout my messaging to attract the right people to my business. 

My greatest ‘aha’ was discovering my Signature System. I hadn’t realised that I do tend to work through various components in my client work and can package this up as a system to be offered at various levels. 

I’m excited to continue developing this Signature System in my business, and to create a variety of service-based products that will make a huge impact in the lives of my clients, and ones they will really want to invest in! 

The Core Business Foundations course got me thinking laterally about my business and helped me gain heaps of insight into my business. I will keep referring back to its workshops and lessons that I found super-useful and look forward to working more with Annemarie in the future! 

Kym Siddons | MPhty (Sports) BPhty (Hons) MAPA, APA Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist, Certified Occupational Health Physio and Ergonomist

 After completing the program everything is clearer and with that clarity I am now able to portray and promote my business with confidence. AND, I increased my fees by 60% 

I needed to clarify my brand in my own mind and also wanted to determine how I was being perceived by my existing clients and prospects. I also questioned whether I was explaining what my business did in an accurate way. 

Since completing the program everything is clearer, and with that clarity I am now able to portray and promote my business with confidence, whereas before I questioned whether what I was saying was accurate. I’ve also found that the program has eliminated the writer’s block I was experiencing when trying to communicate my brand on paper.  

I am speaking more confidently and with more clarity and now have words to use so that I can connect with and inspire my clients into taking action! I can’t speak highly enough of the program and the experience and would highly recommend it! 

Sylvia Bourne | Office Genie – Virtual Assistant

  Prior to working with Annemarie I had low self-belief, I didn’t have any goals, and was bogged down due to lack of USP in a competitive industry. Other areas in my business where I was struggling and I lacked the confidence in networking with other people and presenting information about our business. And, I was definitely not charging what I was worth. 

After working with Annemarie, I am much more confident in business situations, I understand my niche better, and I have better structuring and direction in my marketing because I am far more focused. 

I now have a direction in the business, have set myself goals for the next 3months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year and 3 years. And, more importantly, I am now charging 40% more for my projects and clients are extremely happy to pay this.

Anne Morton | Lifestyle Videos

Start building your Core Business Foundations 

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